Being a Website Designer and Webmaster - Part One
When I first got into website design, there was a lot of things thrown at me. I can say honestely, when I first started out, I had no clue on what I was doing. I started out on a 25MB server-space that was hosted by my internet service provider, or ISP. Now this was probably way back around 2005. I started learning HTML, and with this language, I was able to create very basic webpages.
Then over the years, I started to like web design even more. So I said to myself, "I want to learn more about web design". What did I do? I created one of my first websites,, which is not used that much for anything today.
With, I was able to learn a lot of things; not developing skills, more along the lines of being a webmaster. I was able to learn how to keep a website running smoothly. Then after a while, I became the webmaster of several websites. After with all the experience I had, after learning CSS, HTML, PHP, XHTML, SQL, and many more, I'm was able to create one of my first major website; the website you are on right now,
While I was learning all of this, no one was helping me. Even if I wanted help, I didn't get much. I learned a lot of my skills just by messing around (which is always recommended to learn something new) and using my resources like the internet.
What I did have was a mast directory to help me find the things I need, source code. Yes, that's right, for about 1 year, all I did was examin people's source code to see how the website works. I learned so much by doing this, I was able to start writing my own code.
But the thing is, there's really no easy way to share all of this information with the world. You do have directories which have a lot of information about creating a website, but nothing really that's easy to follow along.
So that's what Tech Cores will be helping you with. For however long it takes us, we will break web design and all the webmastering skill one by one in a simple guide of different blog posts or parts. This will help us focus on one topic every day and help you learn something too. Every single day (unless if it's a major holiday or something important) there will be a new part about website design or webmastering. And when we're all done, we'll compile all this information, and put it in one big "how-to" guide!
So fasten your seat bealts, and gear up for the knowledge of becoming a great website designer and webmaster! More to come soon!
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