Dec 30, 2008

Make Your Tweeting Life Easier! - TwitBox


I personally just started using Twitter, but I found a software that runs on .NET Framework (Windows only) that helps you manage your tweets and messages a lot easier on several accounts also; that is if you need more than one account. The application is called TwitBox.

This is a great application that is just running in the background in my Windows tray.

If you use Twitter and Windows, I highly suggest that you check this out! It makes your tweeting much more easier and more convienant!

Now if your on Mac OS X, you can also check out Twitterific. Now this application is not free like TwitBox is, but I love Twitterific on Mac! If you are serious in Twitter, you should really check it out!

There's two great applications to get you started using Twitter in a more advanced way! If you would like to follow me, my Twitter username is tjasko.

Stalk me on social media! Any other way would just be creepy…