Apr 08, 2010

Multitasking Coming to the iPhone OS - With Some Limitations

With multitasking coming to the new iPhone OS 4.0, which was introduced in the presentation today, it's  really going to change a lot of things on the iPhone OS.

When you think about it, a good portion of phones out there (not speaking about the iPod touch devices right now) do not multitask at all. One phone that has introduced a great way of multitasking is the Palm Pre, which we actually do not have an article here about that.

The Palm Pre really introduced a great form of multitasking. Flick an application to close; that was a great idea on Apple's part.

Apple is taking their same interface at the bottom of their dock on Mac OS X, and making it be the application switcher. I just wonder how easy it'll be to switch applications. I'm hoping they might put something like Exposé  on the iPhone OS.

The only downside to this is that it's only going to support the third generation iPod touches (the 32GB and 64GB models). Also, and only the iPhone 3GS. Apple is cutting out users like myself because we're still the "old" users. And of course, like I've said before, I only use the first generation iPod touch, which can be quite slow. I guess this is a way on how Apple is to get some more money, but in the long run, will force us users like myself to upgrade in order to get the multitasking functionality.

And from what Apple says, it'll be shipping this summer. Hopefully, by then, I might be on the newer sides of things to get this multitasking support. I just hope it won't slow things down too much. I bet it'll have some limit to it also for many reasons.

In the end of it, us iPhone OS users are finally able to see native multitasking coming to our iPhones and iPod touches. This is one major step for Apple in the mobile market.

What do you think of this new feature? Do you think Apple will be able to implement this so things still run fast and with a very easy way of switching apps?

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