Oct 21, 2010

Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide

We've covered already four books from Packt Publishing including the jQuery framework and Catalyst 5.8. But you know what, we're not stopping there.

Recently Packt Publishing just published a book entitled Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide. Unity is simply a full-fledged game engine that makes a task that would typically take days to create, like an entire physics or particle engine, to a few simple minutes. Unity has been used in some of the world's most popular applications, especially for the iPhone, and it's been widely known for it's ultra-compatibility with support the PC, Mac, Web-app, iOS, Android, and even the major gaming consoles.

If you're a developer looking to get your hands messy, but not too messy, with a rather powerful gaming engine, take a look at Unity. It'll serve you well for its power and it may even give you an all-time selling app!

I've just started reading Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide and you should be expecting a full review shortly! As for now, I'll sit back and have fun reading this book on Unity! I'm not going to spoil the review, but let's say the writing is very unique and very entertaining!

For more information on Unity 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide or to pick up a copy for yourself, feel free to check out the book's webpage.

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