Apr 08, 2010

Original iPhone and iPod touch Support Ended

Way back when the first generation iPod touch was introduced, I knew it was going to become a hit. Shortly after that, the iPhone was really getting started.

When I bought my iPod touch, which was when the second generations became available, I bought it used. I bought it used because to be honest, I didn't know if I was going to use it or not. After that, it started replacing the Dell Axim X51v that I owned.

After I started using my iPod touch, I stated going away from my PDA. I eventually ended up selling it and switching to the iPod touch as my main mobile device. It ended up being that I loved the email support on it.

I really started to fall in love with it. I started buying apps for it, and now I own 77 apps, which most of them being payed apps. I've paid quite a bit of money with this device, and I'm not giving up yet.

But when Apple introduced the iPhone OS 4.0 firmware, I started getting very furious whether or not if it'll support me. I read while in English class that multitasking would only support the newer devices. Then I waited a while, and saw this image on Apple's website.

Yes, that's right, Apple has ended support for the original iPhone and iPod touch. Now it's obvious why they did it; it has slow hardware in it! But I will say that my touch closes applications faster than the third generation iPod touch. :P

Obviously some of you will be saying that anyone who still uses these old pieces of hardware need to upgrade. Well obviously we all don't have that kind of cash for it all.

My only question is when we hit iPhone OS 5.0, what will be supported then?

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