Sep 21, 2010

Packt Publishing Is At It Again - Want Some Free Books?

We've written about Packt multiple times before, but they're at it again with something new! This time, you'll all get something for free... that is, if you want it!

Packt Publishing has released one of their new services, called PacktLib, a subscription service to view Packt's vast library of books. Yes, that's right, you'll have access to every book Packt will publish.

Also, because of this new service, they're giving you the ability to get nine free e-books when you sign in to your Packt account. That right, that's a deal breaker right there.

I really do think their system for PacktLib is amazing. They've done a great job at it and with all due respect, I think a lot of people will use this service. No matter where you are, you can read every book and use them as a reference. As Packt being a company who releases many IT related books, and when some of their books are reference guides, this will help any IT person out.

If you want to take a look at what their system really looks like, here's a little peak!

What do you think of Packt's new library? Will you use it? Give us your thoughts please!

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